The Nairobi Hospital Psychosocial Department

We offer Counseling, Social Work and Chaplaincy Services at our Psychosocial Department.
Counseling of patients
The model of counseling applied at TNH is the bio-psychosocial model. This addresses the biological, psychological and social needs of the client.
These are the services offered by the Counseling Department
- Individual and group counseling for psychiatric/psychosocial issues
- Medical counseling (counseling for chronic conditions, pre and post HIV testing, pre-dialysis, preparation for kidney transplant, pre-operation, pre-chemotherapy/radiotherapy, palliative care)
- Loss and grief/ bereavement counseling
- Debriefing and post trauma counseling
- Marriage/couple’s counseling and family counseling
- Counseling due to drugs/substance abuse and addiction
- Counseling for patients undertaking treatment at the Cancer Centre, Renal Unit and Endoscopy Unit
- Support groups for cancer warriors, renal patients, kidney transplanted patients and mothers with babies in NICU
- Staff counseling and support
Outpatient centers offering counseling services:
- Anderson Clinic
Outpatients are seen at the Anderson Centre. These are patients attending our different clinics as self-referrals or walk in cases.
- Warwick Centre
Clients from the Warwick OPC, Kiambu Mall OPC and Rosslyn Riviera Mall OPC are booked for sessions on Tuesdays. Clients from Galleria Mall OPC, Capital Centre, and Southfield Mall are seen in the main hospital at the Anderson Centre.
Chaplaincy services.
Through our chaplaincy services, we provide spiritual care to our patients. The chaplains at The Nairobi Hospital are from Catholic and Protestant denominations.
Social Work Services
Why is counseling part of the patient care in a hospital?
Hospitalization, which in most cases is unplanned, can be frightening and stressful for the patient with some procedures and tests inducing anxiety. Unexpected outcomes and bad news need professional help in order to cope.
When would you benefit from counseling?
- When undergoing some tests e.g. diagnosis of chronic conditions; procedures i.e. dialysis
- When diagnosis and treatment may result in a loss or change in lifestyle
- After going through trauma of any kind including loss of a loved one
- Any psychosocial issues affecting health
Who runs the department?
The department is run by professionally trained and qualified counselors, who are also qualified in other professions that complement counseling.
Appointments at the Counseling Department are made through the hospital or directly to the counselors.
Hours of service:
Monday – Friday: 7:00am – 4:00pm
020 2846031 or 020 2846024. Mobile numbers: 0721963465/0722281362